East 20, Kearns 18
Not much to say, but it feels like a loss for some reason. I know that Kearns had a lot of breaks, but we allowed them to get up on us and we can never do it again. I watched the film today after the game and it wasn't pretty. We were just plain horrible.
- Bad tackling form
- DL not filling the assigned gaps
- DL not even firing off the ball, just standing up
- LB's not scraping fast enough to make the tackle
- RB's not faking well when they should be
- RB's not blocking very well on both pass and run
- OL STILL not stepping with the correct foot and getting themselves in position
I don't know what to do, but we as coaches are going to keep trying. Sometimes it just looks like you don't care. I'm not calling you out OL, but a few of you were just plain lazy. Holding blocks for 1 second doesn't cut it.
Defense was the worst part of the day though. WAY too many people standing around and watching. Way too many people reaching to tackle with their arms, rather than sticking their shoudler pads into the person and wrapping up. Defense did not play a TEAM game, the way this defense is designed. Everyone must know where their assigned gaps are and it seems we've gotten away from that.
I don't want to scare anyone, but we are going to have to make some drastic changes on the defensive line. I want 4 guys that know their assignment, fire off the ball LOW, and fill their gaps. What I see are 4 guys that want to stand up, read and see what is going on, then react, thus allowing the offense to get 4-5 yards rushing downfield. This isn't going to cut it.
Now, on a positive note, on the plays we looked good on, EVERYONE looked good. OL were stepping with the correct foot, RB's were faking, blocking looked excellent, RB's moved with the ball well. It was great. Credit some great running by the backs, notably Takai who had 133 yards rushing.
We still have a target on our chests and will through the whole season. Skyline is the team to beat guys, but we can't over-look our next opponent. Granger is a tough team too and if we come out and play the way we did against Kearns, I hate to say it, but our goal of an un-defeated season is over. We MUST band together and believe in one another and not want to let the guy next to you down. Play for each other, support each other. These are important things for a team to have good Chemistry.
So our minds are now focused on Granger and the preparation we need this week. I want to see it in your eyes the moment I blow my whistle at practice guys. I'll see you there.
Oh yeah, I'll post video highlights likely on Monday night. I'm going to be too busy to get anything done before then.